Cake Decorator jessieb578


jessieb578's Cake Photos view more

  • Bird Cake Tree stump with bird nest and bird with eggs. You can't see a second bird on the side of the tree, the pictures were too blurry. The...
  • Square Cake With Buttercream Roses All buttercream decorations, roses made with hershey kisses inside!
  • Funky Shoes
  • Chanel Bags NFSC decoated with Satin Ice and royal icing details.
  • Fall Wedding Pic is a little blurry, but here's my fall wedding pic. Fondant leaves painted with wilton colors. Clay gun made the roap boarder.
  • Cat_N_Around_2007.jpg Replica of painted fiberglass cat. All fondant decorations.
  • First Wedding Cake!! Chocolate fudge cake with different fillings for each tier - chocolate mousse, vanilla mousse, raspberry buttercream and strawberry...
  • Baby Shower Gift Basket Well, I don't remember if I found a pic of this cake on here or the web, but I saved it and couldn't wait to make it. I think it...
  • Winter Wedding Cake This was for a small wedding of about 40 people. The bride and groom are the outdoors type and they love winter, so they wanted a winter...
  • Hat Box Cake Chocolate cake with french vanilla pudding filling. 9 inch rounds - 3 on bottom, 1 on top. Fondant bow and decoartions. This was a...
  • Dora Cake For 5 Year Old Dora!! What more can I say....isn't she cute???
  • Marzipan Fruits And Veggies Learned these in class with Toba Garrett (gee am I bragging, lol..) the class was great, I suggest it to anyone. The marzipan is made from...
  • Cake From Toba Garrett's Class!! Here is yellow cake with amaretto mocha icing, topped with a hand molded chocolate plastique rose! I learned a ton in Toba Garrett's...

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